Rustic furniture

Hand-carved cupboard

The hand-carved cupboard in the shape of a rustic chest is made from pear tree wood and follows the design of architect Janez Plestenjak.

The cupboard is crafted using traditional techniques with handmade joins, just as our ancestors created such rustic chests.

The hand-carved details emphasise the uniqueness of the chest. It is the perfect addition even to modern interiors.

Handicraft Art&Craft Slovenia

Rustic furnitureI follow the elements of the rich furniture history that I use at the customer’s wish in production of modern stylish and classic furniture. I especially like arts and crafts that preserve important past moments in thousands of forms of expressions, and it brings forward many experiences, tradition and beauty of past years. In 2019, I obtained the Art&Craft Slovenia certificate.

Cherry Wood Baby Cradle

Have you ever wanted a cradle – a reproduction of the heritage of our ancestors, family heritage – that could be passed from generation to generation. Our ancestors knew that a wooden cradle would create a rocking movement for your baby that would make it feel safe and sleep quietly. At the same time, the rocking movement recreates the safe sense of being in the womb. The cradle is a top-quality reproduction of heritage, made from cherry wood. The painting and its sophisticated details will attract your attention and rock your baby to sleep. 

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Rustic chest replica

This replica of my grandmother’s rustic chest with two hidden drawers is crafted from pine wood. This type of chest used to used for storing clothing.

The chest bears the Rokodelstvo Art&Craft Slovenija handicraft label as an example of one of the best replicas of old rustic furniture.

Decoration Jože Tavčar.




Food storage cupboard

Rustic table replica